Monday, 13 August 2012


Mordred needs some exercise. He's getting pudgy. Can dragons even get pudgy? I have no fucking idea what the hell am I doing even

Anyone know anywhere where you can exercise your ludicrous pets? Like, an empty state maybe. Or a deserted tropical island full of goats.

Sunday, 8 July 2012


Yeah, I haven't updated this in forever! This is crazy. Oh well, time for a massive catch up!

I have a job! Whee! I'm a lifeguard at the recreational beaches down south. It's not far to drive, and I get training with it too! Also my boss looks like David Hasslehoff, no kidding. It's uncanny. Having a lot of fun with it, and not had to do much yet. That's a good sign, though!

Erebus placed 9th in the Big Bar Brawl. He got hugs. Lots of. Although I've had to put my foot down. I know he can be revived at the drop of a hat here, but it hurts. A lot. So no more fites for him. At all.

Some didn't make it out. Haven't seen Jaxx come back. Maybe for the best.

Other than that, nothing to miraculous to report. Um, let's see... we dethroned a tyrant, Del fancies a vampire but it is NOT TO BE, um... nothing off the top of my head.

It's been quiet lately. I'm gonna go join Erebus in hurling grenades at piles of junk.

Saturday, 2 June 2012





So I decided to spend a day with Erebus and Pech murdering Zerg

Goddamn do they love their grenades. Good thing I was on hand to remind them of one or two points about Zerg anatomy.

Like how, if you rip off a talon, it makes a good knife for stabbing MORE Zerg with.


Saturday, 26 May 2012


I get the feeling that I missed out on something. Like, a fight.

Ah well. Back to trying to insure everything. Seriously, I wish I had, like, an actual education beyond grade school shit. Then maybe I'd know what I was doing. Also? Don't let them figure out you're from the Bar. THEY WILL NOT GO NEAR YOU.

Maybe I should see if David does insurance or something.

You should see me try to do our taxes, it's like a comedy.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Life without Psionics

So I lost my psionic powers. The Zerg must have taken them or something.

Shit, it's been a while since I wrote anything for this blog. I guess I better bring you up to speed. Zoofights started, things were awesome and we met lots of new people, and then the Zerg showed up, kidnapped me and tried to turn me into one of them.

Yeah. Fun times.

And they took my powers. Admittedly, I only had them for a year, but it felt awful all the same. They took a part of me. They went in my head and messed me up, and that fucking sucks Protoss dong. And I used it sometimes too - when I had to feed Mordred, I could sort of talk to him, although his thoughts aren't exactly Stephen Hawking. And I could tell Erebus exactly how I felt, like if we had an argument or if we were chilling out together, or if we were having a moment.

I miss being able to do that.

He's been supportive. He's never not been supportive. But he's been a goddam pillar of cast iron lately. He rescued me, he helped me recover after, he was there for all of last year, he was there when Ali beat the shit out of me, and now here he is again.

And we're watching Toy Story. He likes it.

I can find a better way of showing him how I feel.
