Yeah, I haven't updated this in forever! This is crazy. Oh well, time for a massive catch up!
I have a job! Whee! I'm a lifeguard at the recreational beaches down south. It's not far to drive, and I get training with it too! Also my boss looks like David Hasslehoff, no kidding. It's uncanny. Having a lot of fun with it, and not had to do much yet. That's a good sign, though!
Erebus placed 9th in the Big Bar Brawl. He got hugs. Lots of. Although I've had to put my foot down. I know he can be revived at the drop of a hat here, but it hurts. A lot. So no more fites for him. At all.
Some didn't make it out. Haven't seen Jaxx come back. Maybe for the best.
Other than that, nothing to miraculous to report. Um, let's see... we dethroned a tyrant, Del fancies a vampire but it is NOT TO BE, um... nothing off the top of my head.
It's been quiet lately. I'm gonna go join Erebus in hurling grenades at piles of junk.