Thursday, 29 March 2012

Big thanks!

Now that I'm kind of stuck here and can't do much until I get my sling off and heal up a bit more, it's nice to get visitors. So let me throw out a few thank you's and such.

  • Sarah and Celestia, the cookies were amazing. Thanks a bunch. :3
  • In that same vein, nice of Widow Maker to drop by on movie night. I think I bust a lung laughing when you started putting the old monster movies on and riffed on them. You made Mougera entertaining!
  • Eddie Riggs, you awesome bastard! Pizza rolls were great, music was great, just a good time all round! \m/
  • Pech and Antoin for sure. An is a little ray of sunshine nowadays, and watching Pech and Erebus talk is like listening to a bunch of schoolkids. :D You guys keep on trucking!
Back to lazing around!


  1. RockMeister199X29 March 2012 at 04:49

    No probs, dudette! Glad to hear ya enjoyed them pizza rolls, I spent fuckin' ages making those.

    Get Well Soon, says the crew of Ironheade! \m/

  2. Levia is beautiful and everything, but I missed New York! It's nice to be back home for a while.

    Tonight Mom's teaching me how to make her special cookies! I'm so pumped! :D

  3. No problem, Amanda. I love those dumb ol' things.

    I'm glad winter's been mild. Wouldn't have been able to leave Florida for a visit if it hadn't been so pleasant.

  4. Hydras-and-cats29 March 2012 at 13:38

    Aw, thanks! I'm really glad I'm helping, even if it's in a small way. I hope you get better soon, though! Pech want to try and have you guys over for dinner again, but this time he said he'll "Cook ssomething that doessn't tasste like sspoiled crocodile and gassoline."

    1. I can hold up a hand and rip apart a warpcursed Sentinel, but I cannot boil water without it somehow becoming maleficent.

      But I sincerely doubt even my destructive food capabilities can annihilate rice and burgers.

    2. "I can hold up a hand and rip apart a warpcursed Sentinel"

      Ahahahaha fat fucking chance

    3. Go back to bed Jaxx.

    4. An Imperial Guard Sentinel, you great moody idiot bastar- Wait, aren't you dead?
